October 2020 Affirmations

October 2020 Affirmations

Take a moment to pause and focus on your affirmations for the season.

Take a moment to pause and focus on your affirmations for the season.

Hello loves!

The last two months I’ve been working on incorporating the Miracle Morning process in my morning routine. If you aren’t familiar with it, check out Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning https://amzn.to/3lwwMXI , for a lot deeper dive into each section. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) Long story short, you spend about an hour or less on the SAVERS method - Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading and Scribing. I’ve noticed that it has really helped reset my focus and I can always tell a big difference on days that I don’t do it first thing in the morning. 

Each month, I’ve been doing a different set of affirmations which has done wonders on my mindset. During one of my morning meditation times, I was hit with the thought that I should share what I am doing and hopefully it can help someone else, especially if you are struggling with trying to find some specific/seasonal affirmations to utilize. Some people like to have them electronically on their Notes app on their cell phone; but I am a bit old school and have them written on index cards. I have a ton for some reason and needed to use them up so this ended up being a perfect solution. Usually they are sitting on my computer desk; but I can slip them in my purse if I need to read them while waiting on an appointment. 

Fall is my favorite season with Winter as a close second (I am a Capricorn and Winter baby so no surprise there) and it is the season of transition and slowing down from the hustle and bustle of the year. The fall season always signals to me all of the fun traditions my family did growing up and to refocus on the coziness of home and rest for the soul. My affirmations for September were more focused on money and improving my self-worth inner talk. The affirmations for October have a different tone of hearth & home and soul rejuvenation. Here’s to the loveliness of October.

  • I am blessed by my beautiful home.

  • I am the kind of person that makes other people want to up their game.

  • I am 100 percent committed to being as healthy as I can be so that I have the energy to be fully present in my business and with those around me. 

  • I commit to an “unplugged” period each week and month, in order to maintain my focus, mental and physical health, and perspective.

  • I am committed to exercising for twenty minutes every day.

  • I am falling in love with myself more and more each and every day.

  • There are golden opportunities everywhere for me. 

  • My growth is a continuous process.

  • I am grateful for all of the blessings I have received and those on their way to me. 

  • I open my hands to the gifts of change.

  • I grant space for real rest.

  • I harvest the garden of my soul.

  • I see little miracles everywhere.

  • I am so grateful for this loving, beautiful, healthy body I have; that it continues to get stronger every day.

  • I am so thankful that the Universe is working for my greater good.

  • I am a blessing in the lives of the people around me.

  • This new month will bring joy, opportunity, excitement, and peace into my life.

  • Autumn brings beautiful renewal and transformation to my body and mind.

  • I breathe in the cool air of fall and calms my soul.

Have you tried affirmations? If so, are there any specific ones you love? Leave a note to share with everyone below.

Until next time,


November 2020 Affirmations

November 2020 Affirmations

When you need to a life pivot